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Introduction to brief
My brief for my preliminary task was to demonstrate an understanding of continuity editing, this meant filming a sequence whereby a character walks through a door and sits or stands opposite another character walks through a door and sits or stands opposite another character, and exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. i would need to highlight my understanding of media language by filming a match on action shot, shot reverse shot and not break the 180 degree rule.
NKIAMBI walks along the corridor , goes down the stairs and knocks on the door.
MAHADI looks up at the door and tells him to enter.
MAHADI: "Come in... take a seat"
NKIAMBI: "So what's the problem"?
MAHADI: "Are you telling me you don't know"?
NKAIMBI: "Would I ask if i knew"?
MAHADI: "That's it"
MAHADI stands up
"I'm sick and tired of your attitude, you're excluded!"
NKIAMBI: "That's fine by me"
NKIAMBI gets up and walks out of the room while MAHADI sits down.
Extreme long shot - back corridor
(Cut to) = mid shot - Mahadi fixing papers
Long shot - front of the corridor
(Cut to) = Mid shot - Mahadi drinking tea
POV - stairs
Pan / long shot - approaching the door
Close up - at the door
Extreme close up - knocking on door
Mid shot - Mahadi look up at the door (eye line match)
Two shot- Nkiambi entering the room with Mahadi
Shot reverse shot - Nkiambi going to sit on the chair
Shot reverse shot - conversation between them
Pan - Nkiambi get up and exit the room

This shot is of me walking and approaching the class room

Introduction to brief

A close up of my hand whilst i'm knocking on the door. This shot is important as me knocking hard is basically my character trying to gain authority even though I am late to my lesson. It shows the type of person my character is, rebellious and care free.

The whole point of our prelim was to demonstrate our understanding of continuity editing. As a group we decided to do a rebellious student who is late to his lesson and has a confrontation with his teacher. we decided to do this because it relates to our audience and also it is easy to go with the script as students like
Pitch Analysis

our pitch went very well. personally, I feel I was able to state what actors would suit our film role and also how cinematography is useful for film noir genre. Working with Sapna and Mahadi I was able to identify these specific things and put into my own analysis.

I have selected Will Smith because I feel this role would suit him. He has played the "lover" type and would know how to play our character and on top of that he is very humorous so him playing the role would also be intriguing to the audience as he will build a rapport with them and they'll feel a way if he was to get cut off

I have also selected Angelina Jolie as our female character as she can play both. By that I mean she can conform and play a romantic female character however she can subvert and play a cold hearted killer. This links to the noir genre because their is always a grey area about the females and I think Angelina will heavily suit this role especially with her other roles in Tomb raider
Vlog from the scene!!
In our second scene we filmed behind Haggerston train station in a alleyway. We decided to use this location as although film noir may be filmed in the city where the action actually takes place is in dark places such as alleyways.

In our first scene we filmed in canary wharf. We chose this location due to the fact that Film noir usually takes place in city. It also had iconic landmarks, such as the bridge which brings two people together.
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